three timbers, tin alphabet cookie cutters
126 cm x 150cm x 56 cm
Photography: John Best and James McArdle
Fabricator: Bill Miller
Colours of the Kitchen Cabinet
Monash Art Design Architecture Gallery (MADA)
7 April-25 April 2003
This altar-like structure evokes memories of kitchens and recipes past and time lost in domestic rituals. Recipes spelt out in tin cookie cutters were taken from my mothers’ CWA Cookbooks circa 1955.
The title, Lately my diet has become a trifle monotonous, was taken from a comment Virginia Woolf made in essays written, October 1928. The full text is now known as ‘A Room of One’s Own’. In these essays, Woolf implores young women to fight for the time and the right to be personally creative rather than submitting to a defined life of service to husband, family and house.
Greer Honeywill